The Future is Insight

The title of this blog works on many levels- it plays off of my belief in hybrids being a critical step towards our future, the fact that introspection and mindful planning are critical to our future, and that the future is literally in sight for those that are willing to see it. Here I chronicle my attempt to Be the Change I wish to see in the world-and to help make that Future a Reality.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Be The Change

I know I am behind the eight ball on this, but my reading is booked thru February and NetFlix had a backlog. So it wasn't until tonight that we got around to watching The Future of Food. Did I enjoy it? Enjoy might not be the right word, but I can't think of a better compliment than this: It moved me. When the movie ended, I wept. Those that know me, know that tears are rare enough, but a lifetime count on a full blown weapings can be counted on one hand. I wept because I am only one man, under funded and still tied to The System. I wept because I can't fix it all. I wept because I fear for my kids. And I wept for my beloved country and the scourge we are unleashing on the world in the name of progress and profit.

Nothing gets me moving more than an overdue catharsis, but my plate is a little full right now, with all the committee work, library initiatives, and Green Business launches. So Mia will be carrying the torch on this one. She will be hosting monthly showings of Movies that Matter at our Community Center starting in January with Inconvenient Truth and moving to the Future of Food soon thereafter. The world is run by those who show up, and we must ensure that everyone who has the moral fiber to care, has the information they need to take action-to show up.

In a related bit of serendipity, today we got a letter from one of my Congressman,the infamous Mr. Sensenbrenner (Republican 5th District WI) spouting the Company Line of an "undecided scientific community" in response to my wife's concerns about his voting record on Global Warming. With all due respect sir, you and I are now at War. You are the past, and the ideas that my heart espouses are the Future. And that Future is Insight.

Be the Change.

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